Spiritual Healing
Becoming Your Own Superhero
Spiritual Healing
Spirituality is usually thought of as intangible and difficult to wrap your head around, but in reality everything in existence is spiritual. There are two main sides: A practical side, such as picking up the dry cleaning and paying bills and a less tangible side to spirituality, like connecting with nature and conversing with your creative source.
The magic and miracles in life come from the integration of these two sides.
But you can't mesh them successfully without both sides being healthy. The magic will inevitably appear when you:
Resolve your feelings of being broken, fractured, split, beaten down, oppressed and held hostage by something inside or outside of yourself
Resolve fears, phobias, self limiting and/or sabotaging beliefs and behaviors
Set boundaries limiting how much others can take from you emotionally and energetically
Reconnect with your sense of purpose, belonging to the world, and internal power that basically makes you your own super hero
Develop a symbiotic relationship with your creative source: the Universe, God, Goddess, the laws of physics, etc. (insert your belief system here)
Resolve feelings of victimization
Deepen your understanding of Spirit, facilitating detached compassion (compassion with healthy boundaries) for others, the world, and especially, for yourself
Resolve personal, societal and/or familial issues created in childhood, or before

Learn to partner with your creative source to manifest a life you love living
Cut the invisible ties to past relationships that won't quite let go of you--or you of them
Meet spiritual beings who love and want to help you, i.e., spirit guides, ancestors, spirit animals, angels...
Learn to make every breath of every day spiritual without compromising who you are now
Spiritual Healing sessions can be done individually or as a group of sessions booked at one time.
Individual Spiritual Healing sessions: $150
Three Spiritual Healing sessions booked at once $400 ($50 savings)