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Modern Exorcism


1a :  to expel (an evil spirit) by adjuration

1b :  to get rid of (something troublesome, menacing, or oppressive)

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


In our constant struggle to "fix" ourselves, we unconsciously practice exorcism everyday--inappropriately:  

  • Starving ourselves in an attempt to get rid of unwanted weight that clings to us 

  • Sabotaging healthy relationships 

  • Stripping ourselves of our dreams because they're "impractical" for an adult to pursue



BUT, what if we chose to use the process consciously?


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Originally from Greek, meaning to bind with an oath, the word exorcism has been used almost exclusively by western religious organizations (and Hollywood) to mean a frightening power struggle between good and evil resulting in the ejection of a malignant spirit from a human being. However, forms of exorcism have been practiced in most human societies across the globe from antiquity to the present. And they do not have to be terrifying.


What has been ignored is the ability of a non-religious, healthy form of exorcism to transform our understanding of the nature of our inner demons, as well as the superconscious world. Hypnotherapeutic exorcism compassionately reclaims what your personal demons are hiding from you and it can also root out and release negative entities from the spiritual world that hide within you, using you.

Superconsciously, hypnotherapeutic exorcism recognizes the unseen world and the beings in it that may attach to us. This approach allows for the healing of both the client and the attaching entity before releasing the entity into its progression. The foundation of this process makes the often unknowing client aware of how and why they they came to have an attachment and how to prevent it in the future. It not only dampens the fear associated with darker energies, reducing the likelihood of recurrence, it increases spiritual understanding and compassion that heals ourselves, the world around us, and the world beyond us.  


The Process


The removal of unwanted energies perceived as negative is the underlying intention of all exorcism practices. Radically different from  the religious approach, the process I use is called Spirit Releasement Therapy, created by Dr. William Baldwin. In my experience, this is the process that is most effective, most compassionate, and can inspire the deepest spiritual awareness and understanding for both the client and the attached entity.


Spirit Releasement Therapy uses hypnosis to create an altered state of consciousness that allows for communication between the attachment, the client, and the facilitator who guides the session. Hypnosis is a natural state that we slip in and out of daily. With a facilitator, it can be focused and used as a very effective tool to achieve a variety of goals, including the release of unwanted energy. 


Is it Dangerous?

For most people, if you have a skilled practitioner facilitating, no, it's not dangerous. It may not be comfortable. You may feel strong emotions or experience uncomfortable images or thoughts, or you feel tired or have vivid dreams afterward, but it is NOT like the movies portray. You're not going spit pea soup or spin your head around. 

However, it can be harmful and unethical to use any exorcism process with people who have Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Disorder and/or other serious mental health concerns that may include psychosis without oversight from a licensed psychotherapist or psychiatrist. If you have any of these diagnoses, and suspect you may have an attachment, we may still work together with the approval of your mental health care professional.



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Hypnotherapy and spiritual guidance facilitate self healing and are not designed to diagnose, treat, or prescribe for a physical or mental health issue. Please see your health care provider for physical and mental health concerns. 


The Modern Exorcist

Wendy Adair, CCHt


© 2023 The Modern Exorcist

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