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Grid Readings

Grid readings are an intuitive means of gathering information about you and the various facets of your life by reaching into the grid of energy that runs through and around you as it connects to universal energy of everything and everyone else. It's a practical way of getting more information from other forms of divination since the grid reader can interact with the actual information, rather than waiting for the information to be delivered through divination tools, such as cards, pendulums, or runes. 


As a grid reader, I go to your grid with your question and look for information in the form of symbols, decipher them, and share the information with you. I am going to the source of the information. Clients and I have been blown away by the accuracy of information delivered that I have no way of knowing beforehand.


Because grid readings often bring up questions on how to proceed, how to change course and/or how to let go of what no longer serves you, I offer a follow-up hypnotherapy/coaching session package at a discount so you get the greatest possible value from your reading. 

Grid Readings: $75


Grid Reading with Follow-up Session: $175




We all have dreams, even if we think we don't. Often, dreams are links to our subconscious as a way to answer questions or resolve issues. Sometimes, they are links to other places, times, and people who are not here with us.


Deciphering the symbols presented to us in dreams is never as easy as looking in a book. The symbols are often personal and require a personal approach. Let's solve the mystery of your dreams together. Dreamwork sessions are done by Skype or email. Regardless of which approach you choose, after I receive your payment, I will send a form asking for specific information regarding your dream, as well as space for you to provide as much detail as possible about your dream. 


For Skype, I will contact you to make an appointment. For email, I will respond within 48 business hours (usually sooner).



Dreamwork by email: $45 (Inludes one follow-up email to ask clarifying questions.)

Dreamwork by Skype: $65 (30 minute appointment) 






Hypnotherapy and spiritual guidance facilitate self healing and are not designed to diagnose, treat, or prescribe for a physical or mental health issue. Please see your health care provider for physical and mental health concerns. 


The Modern Exorcist

Wendy Adair, CCHt


© 2023 The Modern Exorcist

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